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Social media account setup

The first step to making the most from Zuitte's Social Media Manager is setting up your accounts. To do so, simply:

  1. On the left side of the page, find and click on the 'Account Manager' tab.
  2. Here, you can see all the accounts you can log in as. Feel free to log in to as many or as few as you want.
  3. To log in to a social media account, simply click on the platform you want, for example 'Facebook' and click 'Add Account' 
  4. Then follow the onscreen prompts to set up the account on the Zuitte Social Media Manager.
  5. Each social platform will have slightly different requirements, so be sure to pay attention to any prompts and be sure to check your email or account for any codes or activation links that the social platform may send in order to verify your identity.