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The sales tab is where all sales, invoicing and payments occur. This is where you can manage all incoming revenue. 

You will be asked to set this up when you set up your CRM and Accounting app account. However, you can create an existing invoice or an invoice to be manually created by:

  1. First, ensure all customer data has been entered and is accurate.
  2. Go to 'Settings' 
  3. Go to 'Finance Settings' 
  4. Here, you can edit the template design and data inputs, logo and more.
  5. Then go to 'Finance'
  6. Then 'Invoices'
  7. Then click 'Add Invoice' in the top right corner 
  8. Then fill in the information as needed. The more detail the better, this will help with your records and your customer's records. 
  9. Ensure that you have already created a product or service under the 'Products' tab
  10. Ensure all information is correct
  11. Then click 'Save'