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To make a post, simply:

Step 1 ➥Select the social network you want to post on and then select 'Post'

Step 2 ➥If you have not already, please add an account. To do so, click 'Add Account' and follow the on screen prompts.

Step 3 ➥If you already have an account logged in, simply begin by uploading your media, link, text or file.

Step 4 ➥Add the caption or text

Choose a time to schedule

Step 5 ➥Review the post on the left

Step 6 ➥Then select "post Now' to confirm the posting time.

Step 7 ➥The post will then go live on your chosen social network at the time you specified.

Step 8 ➥Repeat this process as much as you like. Posts can be planned as far in advance as you wish.

To Post on ALL Platforms and accounts at once, simply:

 Step 1 ➥Click the red button on the top left that says 'Multi Post'

 Step 2 ➥Add your text or caption

Step 3 ➥Add your media (Video, image or link)

Step 4 ➥Select the scheduled time

Step 5➥Click 'Post Now' to confirm the time

Step 6 ➥Repeat again and again for as many posts as you wish as far in advance as you wish.