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Tree-view Builder

Easily visualise you Messenger bot reply structure using this handy tree-view flow chart. 

Setup your bot using the tree-view builder using the steps below

Step 1: In the sidebar under 'Messenger Tools' click 'Messenger Bot'.

Step 2: Under the 'Bot Settings' heading click 'Actions'.

Step 3: Select your Facebook page.

Step 4: Under 'Bot Reply Settings' click 'Change Settings'.

Step 5: In the top right click 'Bot Settings Data' and then select 'Data Tree-view'. 

In the new window you'll see a page like the one below. This is all of you current bot replies and structure organised neatly in an interactive flow chart diagram. If you don't see anything it means you have not yet added any keyword replies or get started responses. Please view our other guides on importing your first bot template to before continuing.

Step 6: To edit each of your replies and even add new ones simply click on the parent and sub replies directly. In the popup window make your changes and additions and click 'Update'. Your data will now be saved and your bot updated.

Step 7: Test your bot by contacting it on Messenger and going through your reply sequence.